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intro video about us

We are providing geotechnical services for more than Twenty (20) years. Here are some information about us.

Yello and Black bar

We have come a long way since 1994 to this day. We have accomplished, learned and developed our skills in all ways possible. And even after these years of experience, we still updating ourselves with all new technologies and possibilities.

Soil test for Structures

We are doing soil tests for any kind of residential, commercial, industrial and other buildings. A safe foundation ensures building safety. And a good soil test can produce a good foundation design.

Digital Survey

Digital Land Survey can show the land area and exact angle of corners. Despite of the complexity of land shapes it will produce data with an accuracy which can never be achieved by conventional tape measurement.

Pile Foundation

Pile foundation is very important to strengthen the structure if soil condition is not good enough. We perform different kinds of piling jobs like Cat-in-Situ piles, Precast piles, Sand piles etc.

What we offer

Geotechnical Consultancy Offer

Geotechnical Consultancy

We are one of the leading geotechnical consultants in Bangladesh. We offer our best to support your project; even from scratch.
Geotechnical Package Offer

Geotechnical Package

We can take the total geotechnical work of your project, that is digital survey, soil investigation and Pile foundation if needed.
Existing Building Survey Offer

Existing Building Survey

Is your building already built up ? Need a survey ? We are here here to measure in depth dimensions. We will provide detail drawing as well.
Soil Laboratory Test Offer

Soil Laboratory Tests

Take advantages of our fully furnished modern laboratory. Get your soil samples tested from us to get ultimate accuracy.

Our tools

Total Station Survey Tools

Digital Total Station

Total station is the most modern and accurate land survey machine. It can produce most accurate data including levels, angles and co-ordinates.

Sieve Shaker

A sieve shaker ensures the proper passage of soil particle through the sieves, resulting in more accurate result than hand shaken analysis.
Sieve Shaker Tools
Laser Distance Meter Tools

Laser Distance Meter

This tool is handy in normal interior measurements. As example the height of a ceiling can be measured in millimeter accuracy in a matter of seconds with this.

Digital Balance

Soil samples are weighed in this tool. It is sensitive to 0.01 grams.
Digital Balance Tools
Liquid Plastic Limit Tools

Atterberg Limit Test

Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit tests are essential part of any soil tests. This tool is used for the purpose.
Consolidation Test Tools

Consolidation test

Consolidation machine is used to get the e-log p curve of a soil sample. It helps to determine the possible settlement of any structure.

Direct Shear Test

Angle of internal friction is an important property of any soil sample, specially granular or sandy soil particles. Direct Shear test of soil is the kit to do that.
Direct Shear Test Tools
Lab Oven Tools

Laboratory Oven

Temperature is very important when it comes to soil testing. This Laboratory Oven dries our soil sample exactly as we need.

Unconfined Compression

This BUET Calibrated soil testing kit can measure the Cohesive property of any silty or clayey soil.
Unconfined Compression Test Tools
Sieve Analysis Tools

Sieve Analysis Tool

The first and foremost part of a soil test is the sieve analysis. It grades the soil according to size. We also have hydrometer for more finer particle.


Here are a few satisfied clients of ours. We believe good service, commitment and communication makes a professional relationship stronger.